Website Manager

Raleigh Hills

Little League

Raleigh Hills Little League


RHLL Handouts, Resources, and Helpful Information

RHLL MEDICAL RELEASE FORM: required for ALL players and generated from your player registration data. At the beginning of the season, following assignment to a team, your team's manager/head coach will provide you with a copy of the form to review, sign, and return to your team manager.

RHLL PLAYER & PARENT CONCUSSION AWARENESS ACKNOWLEDGMENT: All players 12 and older, and all parents of players younger than 12 must read the concussion awareness information as part of the registration process. To learn more:

RHLL PLAYER & PARENT CODES OF CONDUCT: documents required of all RHLL players and parents.

RHLL 2023 SAFETY AWARENESS PLAN:  The plan covers key safety areas relevant to League operation and game play, including fields and facilities, equipment, practice and game activities, and food handling.

GAME PLAY GUIDELINES: guidelines for all levels of baseball play in RHLL:


CONCUSSION TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR COACHES AND UMPIRES: All youth sports coaches and referees must complete annual concussion training. This is required by Oregon law that took effect January 1, 2014.

  • All coaches are required to complete the HEADS UP Online Concussion Training Course. If you have completed the course between now and July 2022 + have your certificate you do not need to complete it again. If you do not, please complete the training and send your certificate to RHLL Safety Coordinator Rik Miller -- [email protected]

SCHOOL BOUNDARIES MAPS: for all schools falling within RHLL boundaries. Players with home addresses that fall within these boundaries are eligible to play in our league! If your address falls outside RHLL boundaries, please be sure to look into registration with one of RHLL's neighbor leagues at the Oregon Little League District 4 website. 

SCOREKEEPING GUIDE: Parents interested in volunteering to be team scorekeeper (AAA & Majors Level) can review this scorekeeping guide for helpful pointers.


Please contact [email protected] for more information on becoming an umpire for RHLL. We pay competitive rates for base and plate umpires. Little League District 4 is hosting an umpire training session (click here for flyer) on Saturday, March 11th, 2023 from 8-5 p.m. at Fowler Middle School.


  • Injury Tracking & Incident Form
  • Accident Notification Form

  • Little League Bat Standard for 2020

    Testing and evaluating of youth baseball bats has evolved into a science. So much so that the standard has also evolved to where USA Baseball, the national governing body for the sport of baseball in the United States, is adopting a new method for measuring bat performance in the testing of youth bats that went into effect on January 1, 2018. The new USA Baseball bat standard (USABat), was developed by a USA Baseball committee of scientific experts.

    Effective on January 1, 2018, Little League Baseball® will adhere to the new USABat standard. No bats previously approved for use in Little League Play (Junior League Baseball and below) will be permitted to be used in any Little League game or practice, or other Little League function, event, or activity.

    What this means for local Little Leagues, and Little League baseball players in the Tee Ball through Junior League Divisions, as well as Little League Challenger Division®, is that all current Little League-approved bats can be used during the 2017 Little League regular season and throughout tournament play, but can no longer be used starting in 2018. All of Little League’s current bat regulations will remain in effect until December 31, 2017. Be aware that this new bat standard effects Little League Baseball only. There are no changes to the bat standard or regulations for Little League Softball®.


League Resources

2025 Target Dates
Monday, December 9th Spring 2025 Registration Opens
Sundays, Jan - Feb 2024 Winter Clinics 1/5, 1/12, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/23
1/17 - 1/20 MLK WEEKEND
Friday, February 14th AAA/Majors Registration Closes
Saturday, February 22nd Player Evaluations (AAA/Majors only)
Sunday, February 23rd Player Evaluations(AAA/Majors only)
Wednesday, February 26th & Thursday, February 27th AAA/Majors Draft (and gear distribution) Target
Sunday, March 2nd AAA/Majors Practices at Cedar Hills Park/BALL (Target 5-7pm 2-4 nights/week)
Friday, February 28th T-AA Registration Closes
Friday, March 7th T-AA Teams Formed
Sunday, March 9th T-AA Coaches Meeting (BALL Facility)
3/22 - 3/30 SPRING BREAK & Easter 3/31
TBA First-Aid Class - Coordinate w/SWLL
Saturday, April 5th Opening Day & Picture Day
Monday, April 7th NO SCHOOL
Friday, April 25th Post-Season Registration Opens
Friday, May 9th Post-Season Registration Closes
Saturday, May 18th RHLL CELEBRATION DAY @ Sunset Park
Thursday, May 22nd End of Reg Season Upper Levels Target
Wednesday, May 28th AAA/Majors Playoffs Start
Saturday, June 7th End of Reg Season (Tball/A/AA)